Veterans Day and Vietnam Veterans Memorial November 11, 2018

Veterans Day 2018, was held on the 11th Month of the 11th Day of the 11th Hour.  It also marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1. The Veterans Day Program was opened by Veterans Agent David Perinchief, and at 11 am all the bells in the City of Beverly Churches rang out for Veterans Day. This was followed by Ron Innocenti ringing the bell for all our Veterans. At the conclusion of Veterans Day Program, Commander Chuck Clark of the Beverly Vietnam Veterans opened the program for the Dedication of the new Beverly Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

The Commander thanked all who made the Memorial Possible and then  Rep. Jerry Parisella placed  a wreath at the new Memorial, followed by the reading of all the names of those who were killed in Action from Beverly and are now part of the New Memorial along with the Bronze Sculpture.  A crowd of over 300 came out to be part of this historic day, and at the conclusion many took pictures of the new sculpture and the park. 



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