Tonight February 8th, 2021 we had a Zoom meeting to discuss many issues that are relevant to the VFW and local Veterans.
Our State Rep. Jerry Parisella, who is a member of our VFW updated all of us on Corvid-19 Vaccination. The Bedford VA Hospital is now taking appointments for Veterans 50 and older, call the Main Number and request an appointment. Also for the 75 and older you can call the State of Massachusetts at 211 or go to to request an appointment, this is for all citizens not just Veterans.
Also discussion on having our annual fundraiser this year, it was not held last May due to Corvid, but we are hoping with things getting better we might be Able to fund raise in May, this will be looked into next month again. We do have a request in with the City for the Can Drive at local stores over Memorial Day weekend.
The Commander ( Paul Lantz) discussed having street signs for sue veterans who did in action and have not been acknowledged with a marker, we will discuss this at future meetings.
If you are a Veteran and served overseas and would like to join a great group please send us an e-mail and we can contact you for membership.