Black Granite Sign

The final edition to the Beverly Vietnam Veterans Memorial at One Ellis Square is now on order, the Black Granite sign bill be 8′ in length and 20″ high and mark the entrance to the Park. It will also have a Black Granite walk way as you enter from Cabot Street.

The QR code Plaque will also be placed so those who enter can click on the QR code and get information on those Veterans who died in Vietnam and who’s names are on the Memorial.

Thanks to the Mayor Cahill, Stephanie Bilotti, Mike Collins, David Perinchief and all those from the Engineering Department for working on this project.

I guess we can also thank, Chuck Clark, Cory Paulette and Jerry Guilebbe who are on the Committee and have been since the beginning.

The City of Beverly has a world class Memorial for all to visit and reflect as we honor the 11 names on the Wall who gave their lives in Vietnam.

The new Black Granite Sign at the Entrance to the Memorial, the Plaque for the QR Side will be t the right of the walk way, not shown
New sign and the QR code Plaque at the Park entrance

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