Today March 29, 2021 we honor and remember all the Veterans of the Vietnam War.
March 29 is a fitting choice for a day honoring Vietnam veterans. It was chosen to be observed in perpetuity as March 29, 1973 was the day United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disestablished and also the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam. In addition, on and around this same day Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.
Below are someone the photos from the observance held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at One Ellis Square yesterday, It was a cold and rainy day but many came out to remember all of these Vietnam Veterans, 11 of which were killed in action from Beverly, Massachusetts.

From left to right, State Rep Jerry Parisella from Beverly, Ma. Ken Cassola, Eric Johnson and Bob Laws.

Member of the Beverly Vietnam Veterans Post #1