Monsoon Party 2019

We named all our parties as Monsoon, due to most everyone of them having major rain storms. But this year is a perfect end of summer day, with temperatures in the 80’s, with. bright sun shine.

Our host Cory and Maryjane Paulette and Chuck Clark put out a variety of food, Burgers, Dogs, Chicken, Steaks Tips, many appetizers of devil eggs, salad, beans, cheese and crackers, and so much more. We had enough deserts to feed 100 people, and all were so good.

Many if not all of the Beverly Vietnam Veterans came out for todays party, Bob and Beckey made the trip up from Florida. We had many invited guests who have worked with our veterans group over the year.

This is our official end of the year party and will now look forward to the fall and winter with many events planned.

We also welcomed a new member today, Ron Genest a Navy Veteran.

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