Beverly Vietnam Veterans and Fortunato Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 545


The Members of the Beverly Vietnam Veterans Post # 1 and Fortunato VFW Post 545 in Beverly, Ma. awarded 5 scholarships to students from both Beverly High School JRROTC and North Shore Community College. The rain help off as we opened the program with the pledge of Allegiance, and opening of the program.

Commander Chuck Clark from the Beverly Vietnam Veterans Post # 1, gave a brief description of the Memorial and it’s meaning to all of us. Scholarships were presented to Comnor Farley from North Shore Community College and Colin Andrew from Beverly High School JRROTC.

The next presentation came from Commander Paul Lantz from the Fortunato Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 545 in Beverly and scholarships were awarded to Jacob Bent from North Shore Community College and Michael Geary also from North Shore Community College.

Thanks to all who came out today for these presentations, and coffee and pastries were served after the program. If you like to help with one of our Veterans Groups with a donation please visit our Web Page at On the main page is out P.O Box to send a donation to either of the groups. We are here to help veterans and our community.

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