After a busy spring and summer this year, with the group participating in the Memorial Day Program, Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance and our Fund Raiser this past June and July, we now have a busy fall upon us.
The day started out looking bad but soon the sun came out and as the Harbor Fest got underway at 3:00 PM it was sunny and warm at the Ocean’s front. Cory and Chuck set up the tent and along with them Carl Jerry and Greg stood guard at the table, not sure how much we sold but it was a few and we also took in some donations.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza at One Ellis Square is still on going with the Commander Chuck Clank, Cory Paulette and Jerry Guilebbe attending bi monthly meetings to plan the next phase which will be to add a new sign for the Memorial which will be Black Granite, This is still a work in progress and we will continue to update all over the fall, and winter.
A committee has been formed with the Commander, Charlie, Carl and others to come up with a new dress uniform, we hope to have some information at the next meeting.
The Fare this year takes place October 4th through the 14th, we are looking for members to plan some time at the fair at our booth, and we will have t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale and a donation jug placed out. If you can spare some time please let the group know at the next meeting. This is just another way for us to raise funds and let people know who we are.
The Annual Monsoon party will take place on Sunday September 15th at 1:00 PM. It will be held at 27 Wirling Drive in Beverly. There will be hamburgers, Hotdogs etc., but please feel free to bring something along you can. Bring your own adult beverage if you like. All are welcome bring the family for a great afternoon as we say goodbye to summer.
Fall is almost here and the City of Beverly and the Veterans will be hosting Veterans Day on November 11th, 2019 at 11:00 AM, at Veterans Memorials at Odell Park. Veterans Day is the day we honor ALL Veterans both Living and those who gave their lives.
Plans are in process for the event and also we are hoping that the schools will have a program again this year. We hope all can attend this Veterans Day. There will be a wreath placing at both the Vietnam Memorial at Beverly Hospital and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza at One Ellis Square.
As with last year the Beverly Veterans Council along with the Veterans Groups will participate in the Parade this year, which takes place on the first Sunday after Thanksgiving, which is December 1st. More information will be available in a month or so. Last year was our first year and we were so welcomed and those who rode the truck had a great time, even though it was cool.
Next Years Dinner Dance has ben set for April 25th, at the Italian Community Center, the hall has been booked A committee will be formed to work on this.
The annual fundraiser will take place next year June 27th through July 3rd, I know it is a long way out but again we need as many members as possible to take just one shift to make this successful, this is our major fundraiser.
Just a reminder that there is a Veterans Coffee every Saturday from 8:30 to 10:00 Am at the Vittori Rocci Post, it is a great way to discuss many veterans issues, there is a Veterans Service officer there ( Hector) every Saturday to assist you with claims, Health Care or other issues, There is always free coffee and pastries.
Chuck Clark
Beverly Vietnam Veterans Post # 1